A kind gesture from North East knitters!

Knitters from ‘Tiny Tots Micro Hats’ Group have come together to make some beautiful hand made items to donate to Love, Amelia and the families we support.    

Hats for premature and newborn babies have been lovingly made alongside matching booties and cardigans to make the perfect additions to the bundles we donate to families. 

Bonding squares have been carefully made in pairs to help a Mother bond with her newborn baby when they have been separated after birth. One square is placed with a premature baby and another is worn against the mum’s skin, then the squares are swapped round every 12 hours or every time mum visits. Many Neonatal Units are now using them. They help with the bonding of a premature baby in an incubator and the baby’s mum.

These beautiful handmade items are a very welcome addition to our bundles and we know families will love them as much as we do.  Thank You.

If you or someone you know likes to knit and wants to donate to our Baby Bank, you can send items to us directly at;
Love, Amelia
The Co-op Centre
Whitehouse Road

2 thoughts on “A kind gesture from North East knitters!”

  1. Hi are you still collecting items for premature babies eg. Cardigans hats bootees thank you.

  2. Absolutely love knitting for premmie babies please can I join this group.
    Many thanks
    Debbie x

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