Make A Mother’s Day

Mother Day cover

Love, Amelia's Mothers Day Campaign 2022

From everyone here at Love, Amelia, we would like to wish all Mams a very happy Mother’s Day!  Being a Mam can be the hardest job in the world as you have to be everything to your children, with very little time for yourself.  Mother’s Day is the one day set aside each year to celebrate Mams for the amazing job they do.  

This year we ran our 3rd Mother’s Day campaign with the aim of providing a small gift to Mams who would otherwise be without, making sure she is acknowledged on this special day.  This year we have gifted 262 pamper packs thanks to the generous donations and support from our community.

The Mam’s we support often don’t have a positive support network to help ensure they are celebrated and dont have the financial means to stretch their limited funds on a gift for themselves. This can be very isolating for Mams who have children who are too young to help acknowledge them and make a fuss on Mother’s day – this is where we come in. 

We believe every mam deserves to hear that she is doing a great job and these packs may be a small gesture, but they have a huge impact to help show Mam’s their community cares about them. We were particularly touched by the little notes left inside of new notepads donated for our packs.


Each pack is full of items to help put a smile on a Mam’s face, and hopefully give her the opportunity to put her feet up with a cuppa and take some much deserved time for herself. Thank you to St Aidan’s Catholic Academy, Siblings Nursery, Castle View Academy, Tombola Sunderland and Sunderland University Students Union for organising collections.  We also thank everyone who has organised collections between friends and family, gifted items on our donation sessions and bought items on our Amazon Wishlist.  We thank our friends at Morrisons Seaburn for donating gift sets and other goodies for our pamper packs.  It is very special to include so many donations which have been kindly donated by our community.


"The children ran straight upstairs to hide the gift for their Mam, they are so excited to have something to give her."
Social Worker
"The mother's I work with are going through a very difficult time and these packs are a wonderful gesture, some of them were quite emotional when they received their gift, they are very appreciated"
Community Support Worker

We are very grateful to the students at St Aidan’s Catholic Academy who volunteered along with their teacher.  The students have formed a wellbeing group and support local causes across the city after school and wanted to help support our Mother’s Day campaign.  They organised to collect donations in the school and deliver them to our warehouse where they then helped put some of the packs together ready for Mam’s to receive. 

We would like to say a huge thank you to all of our volunteers and community who have been involved to help make this possible.